The Scientist
In the tradition of polymaths, like Leonardo da Vinci, who excel in diverse fields of study, Dr. Laurence Rifkin is both artist and scientist. He is a master at finessing phenomenal form while simultaneously engineering exceptional function.
The Science of Beauty
When you entrust the reinvention of your smile to Dr. Laurence Rifkin, you can rest assured that your needs are being evaluated and addressed by one of the world’s most exacting scientific minds.
"There is a personalized design DNA in each patient’s smile that is unlike any other. My goal is to design and deliver your smile in perfect harmony with your facial composition, and to assure it is undetectable as dentistry." Laurence Rifkin, DDS
Passion + Precision
Underneath every artistic masterpiece is a mathematical foundation, an invisible scientific substrate, from which aesthetics emerge. When a sculptor’s passion fuels a dentist’s vision, each smile—each tooth—becomes a functioning objet d’art.
Line. Angle. Proportion. Beauty is built upon geometry, and on the diminutive scale of dento-facial aesthetics, mathematical precision is crucial to the achievement of breathtaking results.
Dr. Rifkin’s commitment to meticulous mathematical precision is evidenced by his use of vanguard dental technologies, such as the Dental Operating Microscope, which is rare, except among the most advanced dental practices.
Scientific success relies on quality information. Dr. Rifkin relays, “The dental operating microscope has enhanced my ability to diagnose and create restorations that excel in precision and aesthetics like never before. Practicing dentistry without a microscope is like trying to be an astronomer without a telescope.”
Law of the Instrument
A dentist can only improve upon what he can see, which is why Dr. Rifkin insists on utilizing the latest in microscopic surgical technologies. His already superior scientific and aesthetic dexterity is enhanced through his use of this microscope, which gives him access to visual information at magnifications to over 21x.
“Practicing dentistry without a microscope is like trying to be an astronomer without a telescope.” Dr. Laurence Rifkin
Another technological advantage Dr. Rifkin employs is Cone Beam Computerized Technology (CBCT), which simply and elegantly displays a three-dimensional radiograph or x-ray. Surprisingly and happily, the CBCT delivers very low radiation dose, unlike medical CTs. It is approximately half the radiation dose of a normal set of dental x-rays. The CBCT’s benefits are numerous in implant treatment planning and in correcting some pathologies of the lower face and teeth.
Finally, the CEREC is another advanced technology of precision CAD CAM milling of dental restorations by computerized three-dimensional virtual impressions and computerized design.
Rifkin Cosmetic Dentistry. There simply is no more authoritative, modern, or comprehensive cosmetic dentistry practice in existence. Please, take a moment to review our beautiful before and afters.